I can't be the only guy who mentally adds my cock to the sight of a girl yawning.
I was having sex the other day, banging away, when suddenly I stopped mid-thrust and stood really still."What are you doing?""Something I learnt from online ****. It's called 'buffering'."
那天我正在激烈的活塞运动,突然,我停下来定住不动了。你干吗呢?这是我从在线毛片里学的新招,叫做 “缓冲”。
Women eh! Boob jobs, nose jobs, teeth bleaching, tummy tucks, liposuction, colonic irrigation, botox, pierced ears, nipples, bellys and clits, eyebrows plucked, bikini wax, armpits shaved, lips tattooed, legs waxed, diets, exercise but they won’t take it up the arse cause it ’hurts’.
A man says to his wife, "Tell me something that will make me happy and sad at the same time."His wife replies, "You've got a bigger dick than your brother."
Men can’t do two things at once." "Well, while I was ****ing you last night, I was thinking about your friend."
A recent survey has shown that 50% of all newlyweds want to try anal sex。Or to put it another way, 100% of grooms.
If you have sex with a prostitute without her permission, is it rape... or shoplifting?
You can tell my girlfriend’s really Japanese because her genitals produce a forcefield that pixelates the air around them
My daughter has reached that age where she is asking embarrassing questions about sex。Just this morning she asked, "Is that the best you can do?"
I read a story in the newspaper the other day about a Father who paid his daughter for sex. I was absolutely disgusted. What kind of daughter charges her own father?
那天我看报纸说,有个老爸给闺女钱嘿咻,真是太恶心了~ 怎么会有女儿还收老爸钱的?
Every night I have a recurring dream that my best friend is sucking my dick. Should I tell him that he's gay?
I finally got my own back for Christmas shopping: I took my girlfriend into eight different pubs without getting a drink and then went back into the first one and bought a pint.
When Barack Obama was giving his speech after being elected as president, he had to do it behind three inch thick bullet-proof glass. I thought that was a bit harsh - just because he's black doesn't mean he's going to shoot anyone.
奥巴马发表就职演说的时候,是站在3英寸厚的防弹玻璃后面的。 我觉得这有点过了 ,他是黑人又不表示他会开枪打人。
A girl on a bus said she would suck me off for £5. When she finished, she wiped her mouth and lit a fag. I thought, "What is the world coming to? I mean who sells cigarettes to a 12-year-old?"
公交车上有个女孩收了我5镑,给我口交。。搞定后,她抹抹嘴点了根儿烟 ,我愤慨了,世界都变成什么样子了!12岁的女孩有人卖烟给她!
A South Korean guy gets on a bus with his guide dog。The bus driver says, "Sorry sir, no food or drink allowed on here."
I've managed to avoid around 50 April fools jokes this morning。However, I've now lost my job on the emergency services desk.
How do you make your girlfriend cry while you are having sex? Phone her up and tell her about it!
My wife and I were at a restaurant last night. She thought I was being romantic playing footsie with her under the table...Thank **** she didn't see me step in that massive dog shit outside.
My favourite text message to send to the missus when I'm at the pub: "I'll be there in 5 minutes... If not... read this again."
didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be killed by a cucumber.
Just after my wife had given birth, I asked the doctor, "How soon do you think we'll be able to have sex?"He winked at me and said, "Well, I'm off duty in ten minutes - meet me in the car park."
A man walks into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm. He says, "This is the pig I have sex with when you've got a headache." His wife replies, "I think you'll find that is a sheep." The man replies, "I think you'll find I was talking to the sheep."
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